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Services We Deliver 

Brand Exposure 

Brand Strategy

Bridging the gap between knowledge and awareness is a key component of the campaigns that we deliver for our clients.
We believe that the quality of a brand or service is crucial but the delivery of that brand to the market through advertising is equally if not more vital. 
The clients that we work for engage our services so that we can expose their product portfolio to their desired target segment. A great product with no brand awareness is 
a candle with no wick. If a business is to spark interest and a product is to set fire the market alight then brand awareness is surely the aforementioned wick.

Market Research

Market Analysis

A failure to innovate is an acceptance of being left in the past. The world is ever changing and industry is no different. Our clients appreciate that their competitive edge lives and dies on their ability to innovate their product and service portfolio to satisfy current demand from customers and moreover to arouse further curiosity and demand for new product lines. 
We deliver free market research to our clients. Most companies have to pay thousands of pounds annually for specialist focus group driven data. We provide this to our clients free of charge. 
This allows them to have real time feedback from the market as to what people love or would change about any services or products that they provide. 
It is not the strongest or most intelligent that survives but those who best manage change. 
Here at Team Nexus, we embrace change- the choice is step back into a comfort zone or step forward into growth. We, working symbiotically with our client, step forward.

Pilot Programmes

Plane in the Sky

We have the ability to provide market penetration for new businesses on the block. We have successfully piloted a number of clients and if you are keen to launch a campaign using this marketing channel we can facilitate trial runs, analyse the data and kpis and roll out a full, holistic service when you are happy that we deliver on what we say. 

Customer Acquisition and Customer Base Boosts

City Crowds

If you are in the market for new customers you have come to the right place. Obviously new business is crucial to all companies and we at Team Nexus provide a world class return on investment from our marketing campaigns to guarantee financially risk free growth for our clients. 
We operate a no-win-no-fee policy and require zero up front client investment for our campaigns. 
As we elect to use face to face acquisition methods we attract a much longer lasting customer. With a recent client their customer life time value was less than a year while we deliver a customer life time value of over three years.

Services: Services

Dublin, Ireland
Cork, Ireland

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