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What We Do

The Golden Rule

In a modern day of instant gratification, hashtags, likes, swipe right/ swipe lefts we have made a conscious decision to rebel!! We believe that relationships are built face-to face and this is where we feel we offer the most tailored and personalised brand representation available in today's market! 
We will bring your brand to life with energy and vitality in the best way we know how-face-to-face!


Regardless of your business we are excited to hear about your vision and provide a marketing service to match your goals. 
We believe in  a collaborative service so we can accurately portray your company's conceptualisation of your brand to your chosen demographic. It's so important to the authenticity of our services that we fully understand what your brand is all about and what direction you want to go in.


Once you have signed off on everything our team will market your product/service portfolio. Planning is key but execution is the game!

Whatever your target demographic we will expose your brand message with creativity and flair.

We believe so strongly and fervently in our company culture! Certain things take priority and allow us to have a happy productive outsourcing business!! 


We believe in leaving no stone unturned. The extra mile is inclusive in our package. Our goals surmount our obstacles and we are renowned for oscillating at a level of work ethic that's tough to match. Although we welcome the competition!

Team Environment





We believe in an environment where people are respected, nurtured and can work symbiotically to achieve massive goal. 

We have a great team culture and regularly get involved in team building exercise 

Whether it's something a little bit out there like zorbing, paintballing, bowling all the way to something simple like enjoying a meal together or having an evening out together on the town.

We find that a happy excited  team is an unstoppable team!!

Solution Oriented

We believe in being practical and pragmatic. We will always look for the solution. As a rule of thumb if we can control an issue we will fix it if we cannot control it we will find a different angle, a different perception and ultimately a way to win for our clients.

About: Services

Dublin, Ireland
Cork, Ireland

©2022 by Rocket Acquisitions. All Rights Reserved

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